Product catalog

A large selection of custom-made valves

Knife gate valves

Knife gate valves

O-Port knife gate valves

O-Port knife gate valves

Ball valves

Ball valves


High-performance sleeve valves

High-performance sleeve valves

Metering pumps

LPP-D peristaltic transfer and dosing pumps

LPP-D peristaltic transfer and dosing pumps

LLP-M peristaltic pumps for exact doses of small quantities

Pompes doseuses

Peristaltic pumps

LPP-T peristaltic transfer pumps

LPP-T peristaltic transfer pumps

Progressive cavity pumps

C-series progressive cavity pump (PCP)

C-series progressive cavity pump (PCP)

Chemical and mud pumps

Submersible pumps

Submersible pumps

Submersible pumps

Extended shaft pumps

Extended shaft pumps

Sulphuric acid pumps

Vertical acid pumps (VAS)

Vertical acid pumps (VAS)

CAHR(M)-CAHR(K) high-flow, low-head axial flow pumps

CAHR(M)-CAHR(K) high-flow, low-head axial flow pumps

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